Amberlair Boutique Hotels (2/3)

“Boutique hotels are often hard to find. In some countries, we couldn’t find a single boutique hotel. We felt the urge to do something. How can we make a boutique hotel concept more accessible to travelers, while still being a unique and special spot? We thought it was a great idea to tap into the knowledge of people who love stylish and authentic boutique hotels. We discovered that crowdfunding and crowdsourcing are actually great ways to develop a product made for the customer and by the customer. We instantly loved the idea of making the world's first crowdsourced boutique hotel. The first step was to spread the word about our idea on social media and build our online presence. We created #boholover, a hashtag we use to identify all you fantastic boutique hotel fans. When we needed to come up with a name we just asked them what the name of the first crowdsourced boutique hotel should be. We were totally taken aback by the enthusiasm for the idea, over 700 submissions! We were on the right path. The ultimate name that spoke to us was Amberlair. Here’s why: each piece of amber, the translucent fossilized resin, is totally unique. And a lair is a secret retreat with a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Together, they made the perfect combination of what this company aimed to embody. Amberlair, the world’s first crowdsourced boutique hotel, was born.”
Kristin Lindenberg and Marcus Orbé
Founders and soon to be hosts
Amberlair Boutique Hotels