Fårösunds Fästning “Fortress” (2/3)

“I really got a second chance at running this hotel. The first time i had some bad luck and unfortunately lost the company. 5 years later, there had been several owners, I was asked if I was interested in taking over the place again. This time I wanted to do it differently. I wanted to make the atmosphere more personal and relaxed for the guests in order to really make them feel at home. Some of the most pleasant places to visit is someone's home. I believe that you have to give each guest a background of the place, the history and the surroundings. They need to know where they are. I used to book a meeting with each arriving guest to give them tips about what to do and experience during their visit. It was hard work but it was definitely worth it when later I was reading in the guest ledger that they had had the best stay ever, or when they personally thanked me before leaving”.
Peter Alvérus
Host since 2012 (second time), 16 units
Fårösunds Fästning (Fortress), Gotland Sweden