Villa Juli

“All the challenges we have faced during the years have prepared us for struggle. Building this place has offered different stages of turbulence that we have had to go through. And we have, together. Now it seems more like a catastrophe out of a movie. We are in “lockdown”. Since we are not totally fluent in French we haven't been able to follow all the news in French media up until now and have been in our own bubble here with our kids and ongoing renovations. We will continue to be productive and work on all the projects we have to develop this place. That's what we can do for the moment. We have some cancellations now in March and April but not for the summer yet. If this situation continues and we miss the season then it's really tuff and we need to have a plan for that. The autumn here is really nice so we hope to be able to move bookings if needed. We also engage in local Facebook groups here to help each other. We want nothing more right now than to once again be able to sit outside with our guests on the terrace and laugh out loud to this wonderful life. It will all be good at the end.”
Lisa & Niclas
Juli & Lilie
Hosts since 2016, Guest House with 5 rooms
Villa Juli Guesthouse 17, Chemin de la Navette, Spéracèdes. France